SPILLED INK is an unofficial Danganronpa Fanzine showcasing the cast of V3: Killing Harmony in a variety of popular writing tropes and alternate universes!


☆ What is this zine about?

This zine focuses specifically on the full 16 character cast of V3 within a selection of writing tropes. We have decided on 8 different AUs!

☆ Will this zine be available physically or digitally?

The zine and merch will both be digital only!

☆ What ships will this zine include?

Our current lineup has a variety of ships both romantic and platonic — for details, please check our social media!

☆ Will this zine include nsfw works?

Nope! This zine is strictly SFW.

☆ How long will each writing piece be?

Each completed piece will be approximately 3000-4000 words in length.

☆ Is this zine for profit or for charity?

This zine will be for profit.


Communications Mod
+ Writer

Hihi! I'm Ezra: a 26 year old from Arizona with a passion for DRV3 and writing! While I did not start as a mod on this project, I am now in charge of communications and social media alongside my original role as a contributor!

I am currently the Head Mod/Socmed Mod of The Onceler Zine and hope to bring all I've learned to this team as well.
(icon by ikimaru on tumblr!)

Third Check-in: April 30
Final Deadline: May 21
preorders open: June 20
preorders close July 20